Seeking Justice & Compensation for Victims of Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are a leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults in the United States. Each year an estimated 1.5 million Americans sustain a TBI according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These injuries can emerge from all types of circumstances, including workplace accidents, car accidents, and even casual slips and falls.

Unfortunately, TBI injuries have both short and long-term effects on individuals, their families, and society at large. Not only do they result in permanent physical and psychological disabilities, but their financial cost is enormous. To make matters worse, symptoms of brain injuries are often subtle, and not always obvious—even to the victim. It can take days or weeks for an individual to recognize his TBI symptoms and can be rather difficult to diagnose. If you have been in an accident of any type, it is essential that you receive proper testing to ensure that you haven’t missed a brain injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to another party’s negligence, the award-winning team of professionals at Golfeiz Law is here to hold them responsible. Our brain injury lawyers have the talent, resources, and experience you need to get you the care and compensation you deserve. You have suffered enough—call 1-877-465-3349 today.

Recognizing Symptoms Of Brain Injuries

A brain injury is defined as a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. A brain injury can range from concussions to closed head injuries, all the way to external brain injuries. While a severe traumatic brain injury is usually evident, identifying and diagnosing mild to moderate brain injuries can be more challenging.

Common symptoms of brain injuries include:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Frequent fatigue and irritability
  • Dizziness or loss of balance
  • Poor attention/concentration
  • Convulsions or seizure
  • Memory loss
  • Swift mood changes
  • Slurred speech
  • Nausea and vomiting, particularly in children
  • Sensitivity to light and sounds

It can take considerable time for brain injury symptoms to develop and become apparent to a person. The process may be gradual, and that is why many individuals don’t originally recognize the severity of their injury.

In most cases, the long-term effects of traumatic brain injuries will present in one or more of the following ways:

  • Cognitive disabilities that limit a victim’s ability to think, organize, and act independently
  • Physical impairments such as difficulty eating, breathing, and exercising
  • Issues with hearing, reading, writing, speaking, and trouble with numbers
  • Brain injury victims may become reckless, impatient, obsessive, or develop other behavioral impairments that were not present prior to their injury
  • If the brain’s voluntary movement portion is injured, muscles may become stiff or spastic, thus interfering with the victim’s ability to speak, move, eat, and even breathe

TBI victims may be forced to undergo multiple surgeries and lengthy rehabilitation programs, a development that severely limits a survivor’s ability to have a job, live on their own, or enjoy a quality life. For many, solely reaching the point of Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) is a difficult task.

TBI survivors and their brain injury attorney may consult with the following medical professionals during their recovery process:

  • A neurologist
  • A neurophysiologist
  • A neuropsychologist
  • A respiratory therapist
  • A speech/language pathologist
  • An occupational therapist
  • A physical therapist
  • A recreational therapist
  • A cognitive therapist
  • A life-care planner
  • Rehabilitation nurses

The expense of working with so many medical experts is the reason that many victims and their families eventually seek out the services of a brain injury attorney.

Potential Compensation for Victims of Brain Injuries

Given the grave nature of traumatic brain injuries, victims and their families are often entitled to vast compensation, including:

  • Medical Bills: includes initial emergency care, rehabilitation, and other life-support services
  • Pain and Suffering: includes pain that affects your enjoyment of life, preventing you from doing activities you once loved
  • Lost Wages: includes time a victim had to miss work to recover.
  • Impairment of Earning Capacity: When a victim’s ability to work diminishes, their likely future earnings suffer consequences.
  • Life Care: Paid services may be required to help victims drive, clean, cook, or take care of other everyday tasks
  • Future Damages: If a victim is likely to suffer additional problems in the future as a result of their TBI, they can seek compensation for this.
  • Punitive Damages: If the party responsible for your brain injury acted recklessly, negligently, or with malice, punitive damages may be appropriate

Due to the complexity of the legal system, employing a brain injury lawyer’s services is a victim’s best chance at recovering full compensation. At Golfeiz Law, we represent and understand the needs of traumatic brain injury victims, working tirelessly to ensure that they receive full compensation for their out-of-pocket costs, pain and suffering, and future medical care.

For clients without medical insurance or other means of paying, Golfeiz Law can help arrange medical treatments by working with doctors and hospitals to accept payment on a lien basis. Our clients are priority #1, and we are committed to achieving the best settlement possible for their injuries. If you or someone you know has suffered a traumatic brain injury, call Golfeiz Law today at 1-877-465-3349 to get started with your FREE case consultation.

Contact GOLFEIZ LAW for your free initial consultation

We are here in pursuit of maximum compensation for you and your loved ones.